He sometimes looks and has the same mannerisms as Ben Stiller. When I watch Ben Stiller's movies I laugh even harder because he reminds me of Shaun. Shaun is often told he looks like Andy from the office, and he does.
In the picture above we're in Mexico and he started doing a Tom Cruise impression and I died laughing. I don't think everyone else thought it was as funny as me, but what can I say, Shaun makes me laugh.
Shaun is funny!!
Shaun loves Buffalo wings and mountain dew. If he could live on those two alone, He would.
Shaun loves books, Not just any books, but church doctorine books. He reads and truly ponders the books with scriptures. Most people know Shaun is extremely insightful. He could read for hours and hours. I love his desire to learn and fill his spirit. I tease him that his spirit is so much older than mine. So guess what Shaun got for his birthday.......books!! Just like he gets with any other occasion which requires a gift. That is all he every wants. You need help or insight, You talk with Shaun.
Shaun is a chatterbox, but also, a great listener. He can be at any party and have a conversation with anyone. The funny thing about that is, He really just likes to stay home and watch a movie or guess what?.....read! He is a home body, but he's also extremely friendly and easy talk to.
Shaun is an animal lover, Which contests to his sweet side. He's compassionate and cares about others. Shaun has the best ability to help you see the best in yourself. He's elevating and really helps you see and believe in yourself and your own personal talents.
If Shaun could go anywhere in the world he would go to Israel. He has a real affection for the Jewish people and loves to study their history. If he could go back to school he would get a PhD in religious studies. He even wants to send are kids to Hebrew school. We'll see how that goes. Someday I would love for him to go back and study his dreams.
Shaun is caring and thoughtful, When anything bad happens, I'm feeling sad, or just having a bad day, He is the first person I want to call or be with. he really knows how to take care of me. I can be myself and he loves me just the way I am. That's important, because just like the quote:
"A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway"
That is Shaun! He is so non-judgemental and he is the best friend this girl could ever want.
Well, That is a little bit of Shaun at 31. I could go on and on. He is amazing!! I love him and think the world of him!! Thanks Shaun!! Happy Birthday!!!!
Shaaaauuuuuuuuuuuunnn...we love you!!!!
dang shaun, you are soooo old!!! we can only say that because we are older than you, but we won't say how much older, heehee. happy birthday!
-brett and whitney
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