Monday, October 4, 2010

Sweet October

Yes people, It's that wonderful time again. It's sweet October and that means the night of fright and all the fun that goes with it.
I may have a slightly freaky love for Halloween time. It can be so much fun! I love to decorate my house. I don't know why putting little pumpkins on my candle holders make me so happy, but it does.

I used to love to help my mom decorate our house when I was younger. We would always have a big spider web over the stairs going down to the basement. With a big black spider in it to watch over things. When you opened the front door to the house, you would always see that black spider staring back at you.
My brothers and I used to love to make haunted houses down in the basement with our friends and for each other. I remember in the laundry room we would always have someone hiding who would jump out with an electric drill going to freak our friends out. Good times. I still love to go to haunted houses.
The last couple of years. I'll sometimes second guess why I should decorate when the house just gets so messy from a little boy named Max. It kind of takes a way from the decorating. Then I say that I have to make Halloween fun for Max. I have to keep the fun of Halloween alive. That's what it's all about. Making fun memories for your kids. I have a ton of fun memories of Halloween! It's worth decorating the house up for. It makes me smile and keeps me young.
I'll be decorated the inside and outside of the house soon.
I want to be like my mom and I'll tell you why. She would always get dressed up to hand out the goodies to the trick or treaters. Such a fun mommy.
My favorite memory of my mom and Halloween, one that I will always remember. Was when I was sitting in my 3rd grade class, and all of a sudden a green faced witch with a big nose and warts came into my class carrying a tray of cupcakes. You know who that special witch was? My awesome mom!
I can't even tell you how elated I was to see her. I had no idea she would there! It was awesome! She had come to help our class with our Halloween party. What a wonderful fun mommy surprise!
I want to be that mom for Max.

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