Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Because our daddy is awesome

First Father's Day with Max

First Father's Day with Easton

Father's Day card with Max's hand print and Easton's foot print.

Shaun and Easton

Max and Easton are so lucky to have such a great dad! Shaun is an AH-MAZ-ING father. He truly is loved and adored at our house! Thanks Shaun for being the best person I know and the best Daddy to Max and Easton.
I would love to say more and I could go on forever about Shaun's awesomeness, but then I would never have the time to get this post up and I wouldn't want to nauseate everyone with all the mushy details.
So, plain and simple, Shaun is awesome. :)

1 comment:

Chance's Mom said...

Oh, go ahead and be all sappy! Shaun is a great guy.
By the way, um, did you notice that Easton looks remarkably like you and Max?